All aspirants for who want to prepare or are preparing for UPSC Civil Service Exam would know the importance of current affairs and how much weightage is given to current events in the prelims and mains exam. Inspite of adequate planning & effort candidates fail to achieve the standards expected & dished out.

Out here, we will try to analyse where aspirants are most likely to make a mistake,


Out here, we will try to analyse where aspirants are most likely to make a mistake,



Reading newspapers – Extensive vs Intensive – 2 newspapers are enough, one must be THE ECONOMIC TIMES & other one can be anything BETWEEN THE HINDU or THE INDIAN EXPRESS. Till the time candidate has not completed prelims static syllabus – do not go for intensive reading of newspapers – it will seem burdensome. Extensive wide reading creates good forward backward connection.

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Make a list of contemporary topics( topics in news for 5 to 50 years) read their background intensively & start making notes – topics that must be included could be Kashmir issue, Palestine problem, epidemics in last 50 years, rise of china, end of cold war, crude oil issues, etc. why newspaper reading without some serious background study of contemporary issues makes little sense because one will be to slow to create forward linkage & will forget easily.


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Make a note of events near & far – connected to meetings, conventions, policies, laws, etc.

Notes from established selected magazines  – make a list of magazines & make notes. Accordingly one can follow Frontline, Yojana, Economic & Political weekly, etc.

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Current affairs are easy to remember with clear understanding of maps – All issues of international importance will be better understood & remembered if map reading has been done adequately.


Time management - not more than one hour to current affairs everyday – Do not prepare for current affairs as if there is no tomorrow, more you are in control of  static sections of syllabus – more will be your understanding of current affairs.


FINALLY – Make it a point to appear for current affair online free tests to check yourself almost regularly.
