Home / The Perfect Tips to Score Well in the UPSC History Examination
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May 21st, 2024
The subject that holds great significance in almost every competitive exam is other than history. The UPSC exam is the toughest exam India in and history is a major part of its General Studies syllabus. Preparing for history is extremely vital for both the Prelims and Mains exams of the UPSC.
Apart from being a part of General Studies, an aspirant can also take history as an optional paper in the PSC exams and UPSC exams. Without preparing well in history, clearing the IAS exam is like discovering the stars of the day. In this blog post, we will mention the perfect tips to score well in the UPSC exam. So let’s begin.
The very first step in preparing well for the UPSC history is to create a very strong base. And what you can do for an outstanding preparation for history? The answer is very simple, you need a very strong base on the subject. To create a strong base of history, there is no better option than reading all the NCERT books from classes 6 to 12.
Assimilate all the NCERT history textbooks at least 8-10 times thoroughly to develop better knowledge. Apart from these books, you can take important notes from any standard competitive history books. You can contact a reputable UPSC civil service coaching in Kolkata to get effective study materials on the subject.
The next tip to prepare well for the UPSC history syllabus is smart work. The aspirants need to do smart work rather than hard work. History is a kind of subject that is vast and precise. There are thousands of study materials available in the market for preparing well in history. But not all of them are worthy to follow.
Hence, the candidates must choose only those books that can serve their purpose well. To select the right study material, prepare a list of books that cover the entire UPSC history syllabus.
Remember, preparing well for any subject not only means memorising too much stuff. It is crucial to develop a precise knowledge of the subject you are studying. History is a subject that is vast and includes detailed information. Its extensive nature makes it a little tough to understand. Here comes the role of deep understanding of the subject.
Always read the chapters of your syllabus with a great understanding of every point mentioned. Try to learn what the chapter is all about. Make small pointers to remember each point. The years of memorable incidents hold special significance in the history syllabus. So always write all the important dates and years of remarkable happenings of one chapter before jumping on to the other.
Moat aspirants make the mistake of not preparing for the Mains till they finish giving their Prelims. This is an absolute mistake which can lessen your chances of clearing the exam. Always, take predation for both Prelims and Mains of the UPSC exam at the same time.
The UPSC Prelims is an objective-based paper while the other hand, Mains is a descriptive exam. Additionally, when the subject is history, then it is mandatory to study for both the Mains and Prelims at the same time. Otherwise, it is almost impossible for an aspirant to cover the syllabus.
As we cited earlier in the above paragraphs his story is a vast subject. There are so many to read that one may lose his or her path while studying a topic. But when you are a UPSC aspirant, it is necessary to remember what topics the UPSC syllabus covers. Always follow the syllabus to score well on the exam. Otherwise, reading everything can make an aspirant puzzled and doubtful of the right answers.
The last and final tip for scoring well in the UPSC history paper is to practice answer writing. Apart from only reading study materials, concentrate on writing answers too. After finishing every chapter, at least five answers a day make a habit of writing lengthy answers. Remember, regular answer writing can increase your writing capacity and speed. You can give regular mock tests at any renowned UPSC coaching in Kolkata.
So these are some basic steps of scoring well in the UPSC exam. Following these steps can surely increase your chances of clearing both the UPSC Prelims and Mains exam. Contact IAS Vision to get highly effective study materials for both General Studies and history optional papers.
We are one of the most renowned UPSC coaching centres in Kolkata that can offer you the right guidance in your journey of becoming an IAS officer or any other civil servant post. Our specially curated study materials and highly qualified staff can aid you in fulfilling your dreams of cracking the UPSC exam. Contact us now.